It’s that time of the year again… hot apple cider and hot donuts…yummy!
Going to the cider mills has become a family tradition for us since we moved here 2 years ago from Southern California. It’s something we did not have living in the warmer climate and cherish now as a family favorite!
I signed up to get the Yates Cider Mill newsletter by email to stay on top of what’s going on and just got information that they have expanded their line of delectable jams, spreads, butters and sauces. Along with their delicious apple butters and apple salsa, they now offer Pumpkin Butter, Cinnamon Apple Jelly, Apple Cherry Butter, Apple Blueberry Butter, Chipotle Apple Raspberry Sauce , Pear Apple Chai and Strawberry Rhubarb Preserve.
Here’s a coupon: https://www.yatescidermill.com/coupons/coupon.pdf
Here is a list of Detroit Mommies favorite cider mills in Metro Detroit: Cider Mills